The Ground of Your Salvation Is Shaking!In the modern church, we've created a gospel that focuses upon self-indulgence and not surrender to Jesus. Listen closely to this very raw message.Pastor RayAugust 17, 2023Deeper LifeRead MoreThe Ground of Your Salvation Is Shaking!
The Foundation of Christian Living (2014)Have you made a covenant with Jesus to exercise his royal authority over your life? Found out what that means by listening to the message.Pastor RayAugust 11, 2023Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreThe Foundation of Christian Living (2014)
The Deadly FlameHave you given control of this deadly flame up to Jesus, evidenced by your behaviors, not by your words? We must allow the Holy Spirit to closely examine our behaviors, lest we're guided by our own spirit.Pastor RayJune 5, 2023Christian LifeRead MoreThe Deadly Flame