IT CANNOT BE STOPPED!You have been given a front row seat to the coming return of Jesus. Listen to today's message as Pastor Ray unfolds the word of God.Pastor RaySeptember 1, 2022ProphecyRead MoreIT CANNOT BE STOPPED!
We Are Rushing Toward The DAY OF THE LORDDo you see that we're rushing quickly toward the day of the Lord? Have you been set free from your sin by the power of the blood?Pastor RayApril 20, 2022ProphecyRead MoreWe Are Rushing Toward The DAY OF THE LORD
A Final Warning To The ChurchWill you heed Jesus' final warning to the church?Pastor RayDecember 9, 2021ProphecyRead MoreA Final Warning To The Church
A New Heaven And A New EarthAre you ready for the new heaven and new earth or is there something between your heart and Jesus?Pastor RayOctober 14, 2021ProphecyRead MoreA New Heaven And A New Earth