Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.
Wow, there’s much to say about today’s message too much even to simply provide an overview but there’s much meat to masticate on. We pray that you prayerfully consider today’s message, as it will prove to be beneficial to you if you’re willing to apply it and ask the Lord to help you understand and walk through this process.
Because this is so very helpful, we’ve included the quoted information (following this paragraph) that Pastor Ray read on the air from Pastor Jim Kerwin’s enlightening book, The Rejected Blessing.
Allow me to give a concise overview of the teaching of entire sanctification: God is holy and He commands His people to be holy, by which He means we are to be set apart for Him alone, and to be made pure in heart and free from sin.
God is holy and He commands His people to be holy, by which He means we are to be set apart for Him alone, and to be made pure in heart and free from sin.
God in His grace and power provides the means for us to obey this commandment to holiness, and the means is so thorough that it even destroys or eradicates the inbred sin nature (the “old man,” the “carnal nature”). This is where the doctrine takes on its name “entire,” since Sin is dealt with at the root. A theological shorthand for this view is the term eradication.
While being free from the sin nature is important, it in no way implies “instant maturity” or towering spirituality. It leaves the believer for the first time in his life with the ability to not sin (not to be confused with an inability to sin).
The most important aspect of entire sanctification is that the heart’s ruling passion is the love of God. The “First and Great Commandment” takes on another aspect altogether, that of the Great, Fulfilled Promise — you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart.
The Scriptures depict sanctification as both a process and an event. That is to say, Christians by grace and obedience will grow in holiness, but there is a time when the soul encounters God and wrestles with this matter of inward purity. This is known as a crisis experience, that is, a critical juncture in spiritual life when the Holy Spirit, desirous to take the believer deeper and higher in the walk with Christ, convicts the believer of the need for inner purity. When God grants that purity, the time and place are just as knowable and recordable as one’s experience of salvation. Hence the word instantaneous was associated with the experience, for although there was a process of sanctification leading up to it, and an ongoing process after the event, there was an “instant” when God the Holy Spirit made the heart pure and sin-free.
Because this crisis experience is almost always subsequent to a believer’s salvation, it was also known by other names, including “the second blessing,” “the second work of grace,” and even “crisis sanctification.”
Kerwin, Jim. The Rejected Blessing . Finest of the Wheat Teaching Fellowship. Kindle Edition.
Be blessed as you listen along today. Make a decision to give up everything to Jesus, do it today dear one!