
Raised Up to Pray

Are you willing to give up everything so that God will rescue a remnant in America?
10-18-2017 Raised Up to Pray - Pilgrim's Progress Radio Broadcast

From 1829 to 1835, tremendous revivals saved over 100,000 souls in New York. How? These revivals came because God raised up Charles Finney to preach and Father Nash to pray. Today, God still seeks those who will be raised up to pray for revival.

But, this isn’t a polite prayer. Some men heard Father Nash half a mile away. He would spend days groaning, lying on his face, and fasting. Revival is not cheap. Just as athletes dedicate their lives to sports, Christians must dedicate themselves to earnest prayer for souls if they expect to see God’s kingdom come on the earth, right now.

Will you make yourself available for God to use you for revival–whether in evangelism, in prayer, or both?