
The Pulse of Holy Love

Is the pulse of holy love flowing through your being?
7-12-2017 The Pulse of Holy Love - Pilgrim's Progress Radio Broadcast

The pulse of holy love produces sweet, joyous, overwhelming enthusiasm for God’s service and intimacy with Jesus. On the other hand, five symptoms mark impending spiritual death. These include leaning towards comfort; a harsh spirit; discouragement; arguing instead of praying; and looking for favorable circumstances instead of stepping out in bold faith.

The grace leaking from our lives may not be immediately evident. As in the parable of the ten virgins, the five foolish ones still had an appearance of being Christian. But, Jesus ultimately shut them out of heaven.

Similarly, the American church slipped into a kind of Christian faith that doesn’t honor Jesus. We’re almost totally devoid of the power of the Holy Spirit. So, we’ve settled for the seeker-sensitive lie that conversion is gradual. Does this bother you? Are you crying out to Jesus for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit? Or are you on the verge of spiritual death? If you’re not right with God right now, won’t you hasten to Jesus?