We find in today's broadcast a model of a godly marriage by a man and woman, who want to please the living God of heaven. Is that your heart and do your actions reflect it?
Most of us have thought that little things don't really matter but that's not true, especially in our walk with the Lord God of Heaven. Find out more as you listen to today's Pilgrim's Progress.
Will you put all of your confidence in Jesus that it's beginning to rain, even though it may feel the polar opposite is true? Stay on God's side and trust Him to rescue you!
The title asks the question you need to consider today, has God turned His back on you? If the answer is yes, know that God's intent to use famine to draw your heart back to Him.
This is one of the most disturbing stories in the scriptures because God wanted to deliver Lot but He will never make us follow Him. Have you followed in Lot's footsteps and if so are you willing to repent of your wickedness?
The title is part of Jesus' answer to the question in Luke 13 to "Will only a few people be saved?" Don't blow by the message but ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you as you listen.
How do we remain in Jesus? Find out as you listen to Pastor Ray lay out the conditions from the Gospel of John.
Do you know that Jesus has a place for you in the midst of this last call? Find out what all this means as you listen to Pastor Ray on today's PIlgrim's Progress.
We find ourselves in a time where whatever can be shaken will be shaken. Have you fully put your life into the hands of Jesus to guide you through the storm ahead?
Has God made you into an intercessors for those around you? Are you willing to ask God to make you into one?
Listen to this Pastoral visit of the pre-incarnate Jesus to Abraham. In a short time, Abraham goes from despair over his sin and wanting to do it his own way to intimacy and direction from Jesus himself.
This was mentioned briefly during yesterday's broadcast but Pastor Ray delves deeper into the life and pilgrimage of Abram. Where are you on this pilgrimage and are you ready to face God as you are right now?