Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Are you a man or woman of integrity before God? Listen to the story of a dishonest God who was more interested in being honored than honoring his God.
Hear the call to trust and obey Jesus and not to heed the road that leads to destruction.
Which way is your heart bent? Listen to this familiar parable that will make you consider where your heart is at and which way you're walking...
There's no room in the body of Christ for passivity. Are you active in your walk with Jesus, as demonstrated by your submission to others??
Do you know that there was a pre-incarnate Jesus and that He is fully God as well? Pastor Ray walks us through some common errors that will lead us to hell...
If you've been taught than Jesus is NOT God, today's message will help rectify that if you're willing to listen with an open heart.
This unique message is both a testimony of Pastor Ray and a specific call to all who will listen to this. Willing to move out and let the Holy Spirit take over??
Do you desire the heart of Jesus? Are you interested in entering heaven's gate? Listen to today's broadcast to find out more specifically what this means.
This is such an important message because every Christian will have a period of cave life to test our hearts. Wake up and submit yourself to King Jesus!
Will you trust in the promises of God and obey Jesus in the midst of the storm in your life???
Today's very sobering message is something we need to hear, regardless of how we may feel. Do you need the Red Sea to open for you?
The key is whether or not we will be honest before God about our sin. We will either get bitter or better, depending on whether we will acknowledge our sin before God. Have you held anything from God (i.e. deceit) or have been totally transparent?