Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
On today's Pilgrim's Progress, Pastor Ray begins the story of Abraham and God ultimately changed him. Is that where you heart is at?
Do you hear that call, whether loudly or faintly, to simply wait upon the Lord? Listen for a clear path laying out this process on today's broadcast.
God wants to do remarkable miracles NOW but we must put aside our indifference, our foolish ideas and seek after Jesus, while we forgive. Are you willing to do that?
What do we do if we think there may be something amiss in our walk with Jesus? Find out on today's Pilgrim's Progress.
Jesus has given us a most joyful part in this walk with Jesus and that is to minister to others and call them to Jesus. If that the focus of your life or is it upon your own life, your own desires, etc?
The desire of Jesus is bring us through the desert and into what He has prepared for us, find out more as you listen along. Don't be discouraged but rather say YES to Jesus.
Today's message is the greatest story ever told! Do you need Jesus to intervene in your lie and are you willing to submit to Him?
Pastor Ray goes through John 17 by reading and then by exposition. Can you see what Jesus has done for you?
God is cleaning up His church and the question is whether we'll cooperate with Him (through repentance and obedience) or whether the hammer will fall due to our arrogance and indifference.
Today's message is about all that Jesus did for us, even while we yet sinners as one of the Epistles says, will you give your life for this Jesus?
Here the wake up call to the church as the return of Jesus is upon us. Will you wake up?
Does your life reflect a life of love given to you by Jesus? Jesus wants this to flow through your life if you've given yourself fully to Jesus.