Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Pastor Ray summarizes the weekโs broadcasts on the Elijah company and outlines the elements of this company.
Have you made the transition from heel grabber to overcomer?
re called to become part of the Elijah company, even though at it may at times appear that death may overwhelm us. We must allow Jesus to become our food and drink, if we are to be sustained.
Willing to give up the whining when you can't get what you want?
The real question is not whether Elijah is like us but whether we will be like Him, sold out to God, to such a degree where God could use him to confront the wickedness of his day.
What will it take to bring Mt. Carmel back to the modern American church and to you and me, so that God can bring refreshment?
A three part series with Pastor Ray and Pastor Jim Kerwin from 2007 all in one post!
Are you willing to go all the way with Jesus and fully surrender everything into his hand or are you going to go halfway because your life is about your happiness and consumption?
Is God an end or a means to an end?
Using 2 Chronicles 7:14, Pastor Ray elaborates on what it means to humble our hearts before God.
"If anyone comes to me and does not have single-minded loyalty to Me over his father and mother, and wife and children, and brothers and sisters, and yet even his own life, he is not able to be My disciple. And whoever does not bear his own cross and come after Me is not able to be My disciple" (Lavender's New Testament).
Listen to this urgent message from the Holy Spirit outlining the Christian heritage of America and earnestly seek that ancient path while there is still time.