Pastor Ray integrates the story of a dear brother, Charles Simeon (from the "They Knew Their God" series), with Micah 7. This dear brother was hidden away and largely scorned.
Pastor Ray asks the question have you made an acceptable offering before the Lord, where you have divorced your sin and have been crucified with Christ or have you offered a profane offering before the Lord?
Pastor Ray talks about the four key doctrines of Gerhard Tersteegen and many churches in the late 17th century. Make that choice to allow Jesus to go all the way to the bottom in your heart.
Pastor Ray lays out four simple doctrines from a dear group of Christians from the 17th century that are key to revival followed by four specific behaviors that block this work.
"We must depart from ourselves in order to enter into Him. This exit and entrance is the basis and most essential act of godliness because by it, we restore to God what is His-I mean ourselves, thoroughly, wholly and irrevocably." Gerhard Tersteegen
Are you consciously aware of the wonder of Jesus Christ?
Have you entered into the rest of God?
Cry out for understanding and allow the Holy Spirit to draw this line of demarcation between walking in the Spirit versus walking in the flesh.
May you decide to be deeply planted in Jesus, it's a precious sermon. Don't you want your roots to be in Jesus?
What does this practical walk with Jesus look like?
Willing to become that productive soil for Jesus?
Pastor Ray continues the illumination of the parable of the sower in Luke Chapter 8. The key to the parable of the sower is a willingness to suffer, as we deny ourselves take up our cross and follow Jesus.