Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
A welcome from the book of Isaiah from our dear sister Michelle.
Have you determined to journey through Vanity Fair, with your eyes upon Jesus?
You must make a decision to be crucified with Christ and it only becomes hard to follow Jesus when we’re walking under the law.
Pastor Ray takes an objective look at the life of Peter and to briefly summarize the sermon, Peter was unwilling to deal with his pride and wanted to serve Jesus in his flesh.
Will you remain under the authority of Jesus and let Him accomplish what He wants in your heart and life?
It's time to cast off the cheap cultural Christianity and the cotton candy Jesus and to be fully crucified with Jesus.
Have you believed in the lie of the sinning Christian, which has ultimately led to God's judgment upon America (more than once).
Listen closely to the sermon and determine in your heart that you will no longer serve Jesus in your flesh or what you see in the physical realm.
Sister Kathryn intermingles the promise of Genesis 3:15 with Romans 1 & 2. We need to be continually mindful and thankful of what Jesus has and is doing in our hearts and lives.
Does God have to work out your circumstances in a particular way and will you trust Him, regardless of what your circumstances may appear? This is where the good report emerges!
Do you need to grow up as a follower of Christ?
Make a decision in your heart that you will believe Jesus to break every bondage and set you free to serve Him, and others at the call of the Holy Spirit.