Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
God's purpose is to destroy the works of the devil, do you see the footsteps of God in your life?
There are so many parallels between Noah and this age in which we live, the question is whether you will flee the wickedness and enter into the ark of safety.
Listen to the story of Enoch and how he made that choice to be well pleasing to Jesus and make that same choice with your own life today.
Listen closely to understand the difference between the offering made by Abel and Cain and determine in your heart to be an Abel and no longer to be a Cain (a wanderer).
In today's sermon, Pastor Ray clearly articulates two critically important Greek words, which are logos and rhema. It's important to know both of them in detail.
A welcome from Sister Michelle from Hebrews Chapter 11.
We can easily get off track in our walk with Jesus when we focus either on the past or the future, which leads us into taking control of our lives again as we begin once again to believe the lies of the devil.
Is Jesus the foundation of your life or do you have some other foundation?
We've left this message because it is a call to revival and to give. The two go hand in hand.
We must make the same decision as Abel did to fully surrender his life and all that he had to God.
Pastor Ray unveils an explanation of faith and a word by word definition of each word in the Greek from Hebrews 11.
A welcome from the book of Isaiah from our dear sister Michelle.