Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
The church, Jesus' bride will overcome and be forever holy. The question is whether you'll be a part of the bride?
Are you conscious of the journey that you are on and where the journey will take you?
Are you determined to be a doulos of Jesus?
Jesus calls us to love and trust Him through all circumstances – to endure instead of complain or grumble
Know today that the heart of Jesus is to heal the pains of your heart and this simply requires repentance and forgiveness, leading to full submission to Him.
There is no unnecessary suffering--God only allows exactly what is required to make you holy so that you can enter heaven.
Repentance and righteousness are not God's end for the Christian. Instead, they are stepping stones to intimacy and fellowship with Jesus.
We must not mistake our righteousness as our own: righteousness is a gift from God that is infused into our soul.
The seeds of destruction have created an "inclusive" gospel that no longer rebukes sin or legalistic righteousness that's full of rigidity, with no underlying power.
Will you join John Bunyan's Christian and run to the narrow gate today?
This distinction between gospel and legal religion will ultimately determine whether we obey God from hearts purified by faith and love, or whether we are hypocrites...
Has satan wrecked your life and then blamed it on God?