Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Pastor Ray continues with the life of Abraham and unveils the everlasting covenant and its requirements laid out by Jesus.
We see that everything does count in this walk with God toward the Celestial City. Are you like Abraham or like Lot in your walk with Jesus?
Learn what the pilgrimage is all about on today's Pilgrim's Progress. Are you a Lot or are you a Abraham?
On today's encore broadcast, Pastor Ray kicks off the study of the first Pilgrim in the scriptures, the one we call Abraham.
Are you aware thaat your faith will be under attack if you're on this journey to the Celestial City? Will you engage in this battle?
Listen to the contrast between those invited to the great banquet (the parable of the great banquet) and the Church at Laodicea. Which one of these represent your walk with Jesus?
It's time to anchor into Jesus, and everything will be mightily changed by the hand of Jesus. Listen to this message and be set free by the blood of Jesus.
On today's Pilgrim's Progress, Pastor Ray contrasts the last two churches (of the seven churches) in the book of Revelation 2 and 3. Will you be a part of the Church of Philadelphia or to the Church of Laodicea?
Jesus' message to Sardis is the same message to the church of Washington D.C., which is to WAKE UP, as He brings the shaking to us. Will you heed this warning today?
Pastors Ray and Jan are watchmen on the wall as they discuss and refute many of the lies of eternal security.
It's time to clean house to utterly forsake and remove this Jezebel spirit which has overtaken the church in the United States.
Listen to Pastor Ray continue this series on the seven churches but with a focus on what what does Jesus want from the church? Do you know?