
Our God Is a God Who Saves!

We must fix our eyes upon Jesus, which means to fix both our mind and our emotions upon Jesus and NOT HARDEN our Hearts (as the children of Israel did). Remember that fear is a pointer reflecting that you are not fixing your thoughts on Jesus...
05-16-2016 Our God Is a God Who Saves! Monday's Pilgrim's Progress Broadcast

Today is a continuation of the study of the most excellent book of Hebrews 3, focusing on the first half. The key verse is Hebrews 3:1 “Therefore, holy brothers and sisters, who share in the heavenly calling, fix your thoughts on Jesus, whom we acknowledge as our apostle and high priest.” We must fix our eyes upon Jesus, which means to fix both our mind and our emotions upon Jesus and NOT HARDEN our Hearts (as the children of Israel did).  Remember that fear is a pointer reflecting that you are not fixing your thoughts on Jesus but are rather hardening your heart, something we need not do. Be encouraged today to fully trust Jesus, regardless of the circumstances in your life.  Put your weight behind His promises and stand upon them. Amen!