a church with wooden pews and stained glass windows

I can’t but JESUS can (2013)

It seems like this is a lesson that we must learn many, many times before it "takes hold" in our spirit. Will you stop trying to be God and let Jesus take control of your life?

Scriptures Used During Today’s Broadcast: Genesis 20

What do we do when we’re in a hopeless situation? The greatest temptation is returning to our own way of operating, further exacerbating our troubles. That’s what we will see transpire as our pilgrimage with Abraham continues. What do you do when you’re in a hopeless situation, do you take that second job, hunker down, exhaust yourself from trying to make it happen, or do some other foolish thing or will you lift your hands in surrender to Jesus and obey what He tells you to do?

I don’t know about you but I’ve gone both ways (trying to do it myself or letting go and letting Jesus take over) and surrendering to Jesus is humbling but much less painful. Will you let Jesus carry you as you surrender your life to Him? Jesus always resists the proud, the question will you resist Him by trying to do things in your strength or power or will you submit fully to Him?

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