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How to Be Happy – 2006

There is true happiness in Jesus.

Most of us learn things through repetition. Today’s encore message is very similar to yesterday, yet somewhat different as well. After we repent and surrender to Jesus, Jesus takes us on a journey through the building blocks of the Beatitudes. Many get caught at the first step, which is “blessed or happy is he who is poor in spirit.” Most of us have been taught that if we exerted enough effort, we could make something happen, even as Christians in the kingdom of God. This leads to much discipline, even flogging at times (See Hebrews 12) and pruning, to bring us to place where we’re ready to become totally poor in spirit and our heart is finally in full agreement with the Holy Spirit.

Are you truly poor in spirit and if not, are you willing that Jesus would bring the necessary crushing to make this a reality in your heart and life? This is what Jesus is calling for, in your heart and mine, would you heed the sweet call of Jesus today?