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God Loves His People

Listen to Pastor Ray continue this series on the seven churches but with a focus on what what does Jesus want from the church? Do you know?
8-21-2024   God Loves His People

Scriptures Used During Today’s Broadcast: Ephesians 2:1-6, 4:17-32, Ephesians 5, Revelation 2, Matthew 6:31-33,

On today’s broadcast, Pastor Ray explains that God loves us and then shows us what God wants from His church, primarily using the scriptures above from the book of Ephesians and then from Revelation 2.

“He’s (Jesus is) going to give us an opportunity one last call to get clean before him to put away our sin to come to a final place in our hearts where we say okay I’m done. I’m not going to walk in this wickedness anymore.”

Pastor Ray during today’s broadcast

Have you left your sin and allowed Jesus to make you into a new creature? Have you left your darkness behind and are you now willing to walk as light in the Lord?

For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light, Ephesians 5:8 – Berean Study Bible