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Come Out And Be Separate

Have you heard the call of the Holy Spirit to come out and be separate? Listen as Pastor Ray walks through much of Matthew 13 on today's broadcast.

1-4-2024  Come Out And Be Separate

On today’s Pilgrim’s Progress, Pastor Ray lays out the critical need for us as Christians to be separate from the world. We have allowed this melding of the world with the church, and this has been horrific and must change. Are you trying to build something for God (at His call and direction) or is it for you own ego, your own reputation, your own pride?

Are you willing to be separated unto Jesus, knowing that will exact a high cost and you may be scorned by those you love? Pastor Ray lays out this cost of following Jesus, will you give everything into the hand of Jesus? Jesus is worth whatever the cost will be for you dear one!