Hear the call to go down and humble our hearts and not rise in anger as the second prodigal did. Will you allow God to remove all bitterness in your soul?
Have you allowed the law and sin bring you all the way to an end in yourself and are willing to meet the conditions for being made new in Christ Jesus?
Are you under the law or have you been set free? We're at the end of time, listen closely to Romans 7 and the law as laid out in the old and new testaments.
On today's Pilgrim's Progress, Pastor Ray focuses upon the real gospel of Jesus? Listen to it closely as he goes through Romans 5 and some other pertinent scriptures today.
Jesus has given us a most joyful part in this walk with Jesus and that is to minister to others and call them to Jesus. If that the focus of your life or is it upon your own life, your own desires, etc?