There Are No Part-Time ChristiansYou can't be a part-time Christian no more than you can expect to be a part-time pagan and enter the pearly gates.Pastor RayDecember 23, 2015New Birth and RestorationRead MoreThere Are No Part-Time Christians
Are You Saved?What are you saved from??Pastor RayDecember 18, 2015New Birth and RestorationRead MoreAre You Saved?
How Do I Become a Christian?Do you want to become a Christian, then this message is for you...Pastor RayDecember 16, 2015New Birth and RestorationRead MoreHow Do I Become a Christian?
Entering into the Kingdom of GodMany are called but few are chosen...Pastor RayDecember 7, 2015New Birth and RestorationRead MoreEntering into the Kingdom of God
Are You Trying to Save Your Life?Have you left the lie of self-help behind??Pastor RayDecember 3, 2015New Birth and RestorationRead MoreAre You Trying to Save Your Life?
Two Gospels, or Victory in Jesus?What are you really saved from? Is it the penalty of sin or sin itself?Pastor RayNovember 17, 2015New Birth and RestorationRead MoreTwo Gospels, or Victory in Jesus?
One GospelWhat's the true gospel?Pastor RayNovember 15, 2015New Birth and RestorationRead MoreOne Gospel
Are You Half-Converted?Is there anything blocking your walk with Jesus?Pastor RayNovember 12, 2015New Birth and RestorationRead MoreAre You Half-Converted?
The Core of All SinWe've believed the lie that we can be like gods (little g). That lie must be confronted and dealt with by the Holy Spirit.Pastor RayNovember 10, 2015New Birth and RestorationRead MoreThe Core of All Sin
Buried Hatred towards GodJesus wants to dig up your buried hatred of Him, so that you can be set free.Pastor RayNovember 9, 2015New Birth and RestorationRead MoreBuried Hatred towards God
Made Holy by FaithHoliness is NOT about self-improvement, it's simply a gift as Pastor Ray explains.Pastor RayNovember 3, 2015New Birth and RestorationRead MoreMade Holy by Faith
The Fruit of a Sinner and a SaintDoes your speech and your deeds both reflect that Jesus is the Lord of your entire life?Pastor RayNovember 2, 2015New Birth and RestorationRead MoreThe Fruit of a Sinner and a Saint