He who walks uprightly, And works righteousness, And speaks the truth in his heart; He who does not backbite with his tongue, Nor does evil to his neighbor, Nor does he take up a reproach against his friend.
Will you, like Nebuchadnezzar, humble your heart before the mighty God of heaven? Or, like Belshazzar, will you spend your last day on earth partying with the holy things of God?
Is Christ’s yoke an iron collar of duty to you, or is your delight in the will of God? Where’s your heart with Jesus today as you listen to the sermon?
A close look at the original Greek text overturns a cornerstone of this false gospel: Jesus did not become sin. Instead, "The one not having experienced sin took sin on our behalf in order that we might be made righteous."
...(t)hose who are truly hungry for Jesus will endure the tests of suffering, knowing that they purify the soul and prepare the child of God to enter heaven.
Pastor Ray presents a clear, straight presentation of the Gospel that is not homogenized with the wickedness of our culture or the age in which we live.