a woman looking out of a window with blinds

Can You See It? (2003 Encore Sermon)

Can you see what God is calling for and what He wants to do in your life? May we lay down all of our self-centeredness and say yes to Jesus.

Scriptures Used During Today’s Encore Sermon: Joshua 24, Hebrews 3, Hebrews 4, Hebrews 11, Revelation 3

On today’s Pilgrim’s Progress, Pastor Ray goes into Joshua 24 where Joshua says to the children of Israel:

You are not able to serve the LORD, for He is a holy God; He is a jealous God; He will not forgive your rebellion or your sins. If you forsake the LORD and serve foreign gods, He will turn and bring disaster on you and consume you, even after He has been good to you.”

It’s a very sobering sermon because God wants us to have the eyesight to see Him move and our submission to follow. Do you have eyes to see what God wants to do in your life, to be a part of the revival that we all desperately need? That will require you to take your eyes off your circumstances.

They could not enter into the rest of God because they did not combine the preaching with eyesight. They couldn’t see ahead. They had no vision to look ahead and see what God was trying to accomplish.

Pastor Ray during today’s encore sermon