butterfly perched on flower at daytime

Be Transformed

Jesus wants to fully effectuate His love in us and through us to others, let today's message be a guide to what Jesus wants from you.
12-10-2024 - Be Transformed

Scriptures Used During Today’s Message: Romans 11, Romans 12

On today’s Pilgrim’s Progress, Pastor Ray walks us through Romans 12, which outlines the behaviors that Jesus wants to create in us. We encourage you to listen and ask the Holy Spirit to show you any deficiencies. Jesus comes to convict us, not to condemn us but He does uncover things he detests. It’s not about being right; it’s about humility in love and service to each other and others, regardless of how that love is received.

It’s time to rid ourselves of all defensiveness and let Jesus reign in our relationships and our sacrificial love for others. Will you let Him do a most precious, complete work in your soul? It all starts by giving Jesus everything and following the lead of the Holy Spirit.