An Alarmed Conscience (2014)The key is whether or not we will be honest before God about our sin. We will either get bitter or better, depending on whether we will acknowledge our sin before God. Have you held anything from God (i.e. deceit) or have been totally transparent? Pastor RayJuly 4, 2023Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreAn Alarmed Conscience (2014)
This Is The Game ChangerToday's message lays out the real focus of the sermon mount. Open your heart to receive the word of the living God.Pastor RayJune 22, 2023Deeper LifeRead MoreThis Is The Game Changer
Venturing Out on the Promises of God – 2008Have you decided to venture out on the promises of God? What does that require and what does it entail?Pastor RayOctober 25, 2022Deeper LifeRead MoreVenturing Out on the Promises of God – 2008
How Do I Face The Coming Storm?There is any more important question to the Christian in the western world today? Persecution is coming and we must make ourselves ready!Pastor RayJune 29, 2022ProphecyRead MoreHow Do I Face The Coming Storm?
The Terrifying Third CommandmentListen closely to know from the Holy Spirit whether you're taking the name of the Lord in vain.Pastor RaySeptember 9, 2021Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreThe Terrifying Third Commandment
The Reason The Modern Church Is LostHave you refused to go to Mt. Sinai and are you lost in your religion?Pastor RaySeptember 1, 2021Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreThe Reason The Modern Church Is Lost