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Babylon Is Falling

It's time to prepare as the great empire of Babylon is now falling. Are you using your time to get ready?
8-07-2024 Babylon Is Falling

Scriptures Used During Today’s Broadcast: Revelation 14:6-13, 1 Peter 4,

We’re at a very critical point in time in America as we see that Babylon (we are Babylon) is falling and that fall is quickly accelerating. Are you using your time to get ready for what’s soon upon us and the return of Jesus or are you still casually seeking after Jesus doing your own thing?

After Pastor Ray lays out the first two (of three) messages from the first two angels in Revelation 14, he moves on to 1 Peter 4 where our primary focus is today. Pastor Ray walks us through this chapter during today’s broadcast. Listen to Peter’s words and allow the Holy Spirit to speak during the teaching today. It’s time to make preparation while we still can.