Is your heart to bring God's kingdom upon the earth or is your life about your kingdom?
Do you understand what the "word of the Lord" is? A must-listen broadcast.
Do you have an urgency to pray for America, for the lost and dying? Join us next Friday...
Are you desperate for God to hear and answer some specific prayer?
Have you come to an end of your self and beseeched God to hear your cry?
Are you willing to look closely to what you're feasting on and ask the Holy Spirit to show you your true heart condition?
Jesus calls us out of the world from repentance into holiness and then the great commission.
What has it cost you to follow Jesus? You're not likely to be hot if the cost is low...
Are you a part of the Philadelphia church, evidenced by the holy life you live?
It's time to sober up, can you see the trouble we're in as the church?
Have you believed that Jesus wants you to be tolerant? Then this message is for you!
A frighteningly true message for much of the modern church...