Have you been fully converted or is there a root of Egypt still in your heart?
The story of the Israelites is simply a dress rehearsal for the end of time.
Thanks for calling in today. Join us next Friday for prayer from 1-2 pm.
Are you willing to offer your whole heart to Jesus on the altar once for all...
Pastor Ray outlines the pathway to deliverance for anyone willing to meet the conditions!
Are you willing to the pay the price of the anointing?
Join us for our weekly prayer meeting, live on radio and internet!
It's either the staff or the snake in your life, which will you choose?
Do you recognize your doubting heart and are you willing to ask Jesus to remove it?
Do you still have something to prove to anyone in your life or have to be validated in some way?
Do you understand the purpose of the desert and have you submitted to that end?
What is your motivation for following Jesus? Are you bending to the wind?