Found out today the primary sin that is the basis of God's judgment against America, especially the church.
Are you fully prepared for the judgment of God? It's time to get ready dear one...
Do you know we serve a God is faithful to all who are faithful to Him. Be encouraged as you listen to today's message.
Are you acitvely engaged in the war for truth? If not, you're in great trouble...
Where is your focus is it upon your own whims and desires or is it upon what Jesus desires?
Are you free from the wrath of God and what will that entail? Listen closely as Pastor Ray lays out the requirements today.
Do you have eyes to see where we're at in this time and place? It's time to enter the promised land!
Are you finally ready to enter into Jesus? Find out what that means and how to do it on today's broadcast.
Another live prayer meeting today, thank you for those precious ones who called in to pray....
Let this wonderful story be unfolded by the Holy Spirit to break every misconception you've had about being a follower of Jesus.
God has a precise purpose for your life and mine, not so that we can manage our own lives. Will you rebel or submit?
Are you willing to ask God to kneel over you? Find out today why that's so important in your walk with the Lord.