
God Has A Timetable

Do you need God to send a revival to you and your church? Find out how God will do that in today's broadcast.
8-04-2022  God Has A Timetable

Pastor Ray lays out the story of Gideon and brings a parallel from that story to what is going on in the American (and Western church) . It’s very much a heart rendering story. May your heart be broken as you listen today… Have you come to the place where you’re willing to cry to God with a decision that things can’t continue as they are?

We are on a timetable laid out in Revelation 6. Are you willing to cry out and make a covenant with God to receive only what He chooses to give you?

“And I said unto you, I am the LORD your God; fear not the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but ye have not obeyed my voice.

Judges 6:10