Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Join us for our weekly prayer meeting, as we cry out to Jesus and humble ourselves, pray, seek God's face and turn from our wicked ways!
Pastor Ray lays out a clear roadmap of salvation to those who will listen and heed the voice of the Holy Spirit. More religious jargon will not save you!
Find out today what it means to "Go to Jesus" or to leave the boat, that place where we're comfortable but Jesus is not there.
In our culture, we've equated the pursuit of the happy fence (i.e. financial security) with happiness. Lifestyle will never fill the hole in your heart, only Jesus will.
Do you have eyes to see that we're facing the end of the world? Are you going to casually go on your way or will you turn to Jesus??
It's time to take action!
What do you want from Jesus??
Are you walking in Spirit and Truth? Find out today what that actually means as you listen to our broadcast today! It's not some intellectual understanding you need dear one...
Find out that God leaves nothing to chance. He is a person with a distinct personality.
Is God real and do you have personal correspondence with Him? Are you believing but disobeying Him, as you're still in charge of your life.
Please join us for our weekly prayer meeting we held earlier this afternoon.
The Holy Spirit once interrupted the series on the book of John with a call to cry out to God and to get right with him. Are you willing to go all the way to the bottom with Jesus???