Do you know this gift of life and peace, which is given not earned? Are you willing to seek after Jesus with all of your heart to get it?
Pastor Ray talks about Daniel being cast into the lion's den, which is the place where America is headed. Our only defense is being innocent and a laying down of all the false gods that the modern church has believed.
Today's message is about Belshazzar, a son of Nebuchadnezzar from Daniel Chapter 5. The judgment of God was pronounced, do you see the writing on the wall for America and for your life? It's time to get right with God.
Pastor Ray calls us out of the modern institutional church and to the organic church of Jesus Christ. Listen intently and consider if you're willing to fully give yourself to Jesus, regardless of costs.
Join us for our weekly live prayer meeting we held earlier this afternoon.
Look at what God will do to deliver a man from his own insanity as Pastor Ray takes a look at the story of King Nebuchadnezzar. Has God issued a decree against you? What will you do in response to this decree?
Today's title is a question that our behavior and actions answer much more than our lips. What do they say about your walk with Jesus?
Today's frank and solemn warning is a must listen from the Holy Spirit to your heart and mine. What will you do dear one?
Listen very closely as Pastor Ray methodically goes through the lies of the modern church that can and will send you and I to hell lest we repent.
Would you join us in praying for revival in America, which is something we desperately need? We need Jesus to open a door of hope in the midst of the darkness of our land.
Join us today for our continuation of the study of the Gospel of John. Specifically the focus is upon Chapter 17 and a reading from the book Rees Howells, Intercessor by Norman Grubb.
Pastor Ray comes back to John 15 today to do a deeper dive. What is the fruit we are to bear and where does the fruit come from? Are you willing to have all fantasia removed from your heart as you seek Jesus?