Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
To paraphrase John Wesley, an incorrect theological understanding will lead one to error.
It's a history of the Pentecostal movement, beginning with Azusa Street.
Pastor Ray continues with the theme of “Two Baptisms” focusing upon the need for both holiness and power.
Are you producing in keeping with repentance?
Will you allow God to turn the x-ray machine on, to expose your motives or will you play hide and seek with God?
A call to give and support the radio ministry...
Will you succumb to fatalism or say NO and rise up in faith?
The powerful witness of Charles Finney.
What does it mean to be born of the spirit?
Are you willing to accept the scriptures for what they say, versus your preconceived notions?
We ask that you look closely at the scriptures and ask the Holy Spirit to illuminate his word, as we dive deeper.
Today's message is from the founder of Hobby Lobby and the primary impetus behind the Bible Museum in DC.