Pastor Ray lays out the foundation for his preaching on today's Pilgrim's Progress. It's simple, straightforward and straight from the word of God.
Do you have the joy of living in Jesus? Have you been crucified once-for-all with Jesus and has He resurrected you from the dead?
Hear the word of the Lord to our hearts to get serious with Jesus and to leave all of the lies of the modern church that declare we can never have the victory of sin through the blood of Jesus.
Can you see what God is calling for and what He wants to do in your life? May we lay down all of our self-centeredness and say yes to Jesus.
How do we discover that our God is real? We have to come to an end of ourselves. Are you willing to trust Jesus in your impossible situation?
If you're a follower of Jesus, know that you WILL be tested to see if will lay everything down for Him, including yourself.
Listen as Pastor Ray lays out that faith is a currency given to us where we can be freed of all sin. Are you willing to submit to Jesus and let Him free you?
Listen closely as Pastor Ray walks us through two paths to righteousness. These sources are clearly delineated in today's message.
The beauty of the gospel is laid out for us in a story that would be unbelievable to most. If you believe that it's impossible for Jesus to save you, listen to this message.
Are you walking under an entitlement of grace or have you dealt to the bottom with your sin before a Holy God? Have you truly believed the Gospel?
What is the Evil Gospel of Entitlement that is in reality no Gospel at all? Find out on today's Pilgrim's Progress.
Do you know that your life will reflect what you believe? If you believe that the blood of Jesus will make you righteous, that will be the likely reality of your life. Find out more on today's broadcast.