The Fellowship of Blood (Encore)The Fellowship of Blood (Encore)This is the radio version of the sermon with the same name. What is the fellowship of blood? Heart PurityHeart PurityThe normal Christian experience is to walk in the joy of heart purity, knowing that the heart is totally separatedContinue reading Heart Purity Perfect Submission!Perfect Submission!Pastor James of the Jerusalem church pins down the source of all fights and shows us the only solution. Jesus’ Banner of LoveJesus’ Banner of LoveThe work of God will never be accomplished in our lives until we allow the Holy Spirit total, unconditional possessionContinue reading Jesus’ Banner of Love Joyous Victory! (2005)Joyous Victory! (2005)Listen intently with the question what is Holy Ann’s secret to her walk with Jesus and you will be bothContinue reading Joyous Victory! (2005) Quickened by ChristQuickened by ChristWill you give your body to the Holy Spirit? Will you let him live in your body just as reallyContinue reading Quickened by Christ Get to Jesus!Get to Jesus!Has the supernatural work of God transformed you into a new creature in Christ? Or have you just used aContinue reading Get to Jesus! Do You Need a Full Work of Righteousness?Do You Need a Full Work of Righteousness?Will you make up your mind to love Christ supremely, with no way to turn back? Dealing with Our Hatred for GodDealing with Our Hatred for GodAmerica’s moral decline has one root: enmity against God. The Unfinished WorkThe Unfinished WorkHave you agreed with Jesus that your life is over? The Perfect Work of Patience (September 4, 2016)The Perfect Work of Patience (September 4, 2016)Are you willing to be patient? To be saved, we must be perfected; and to be perfected, we must beContinue reading The Perfect Work of Patience (September 4, 2016) Loving My Beloved (August 28, 2016)Loving My Beloved (August 28, 2016)You are under a process of cultivation with a definite end: for the Holy Spirit, through you, to use theContinue reading Loving My Beloved (August 28, 2016) The Narrow Path to Power (August 21, 2016)The Narrow Path to Power (August 21, 2016)Are you willing to pay the price for God to bring revival? Or will you be content to watch everyoneContinue reading The Narrow Path to Power (August 21, 2016) The Scourge of PrideThe Scourge of PrideWill you cry out and allow God to deal all the way to the bottom with your pride? How to Turn Victory into Defeat (2005)How to Turn Victory into Defeat (2005)Have you hid anything (an unclean thing, an unclean attitude or perhaps a pet sin) from the all-seeing eye ofContinue reading How to Turn Victory into Defeat (2005) Stay Low! (July 11, 2012)Stay Low! (July 11, 2012)We can finish our pilgrimage successfully if we stay low, regardless of how we may feel in our inner being. The Testimony of Mr. Fearing (July 10, 2012)The Testimony of Mr. Fearing (July 10, 2012)Has your spiritual progress been stalled by fear and doubt, even though you love Jesus? If so, the character Mr.Continue reading The Testimony of Mr. Fearing (July 10, 2012) Taking the Kingdom by Force (July 9, 2012)Taking the Kingdom by Force (July 9, 2012)The kingdom of heaven will not just fall into our laps–it must be taken by force! Take up your courage,Continue reading Taking the Kingdom by Force (July 9, 2012) It’s Time to Go Deep (July 6, 2012)It’s Time to Go Deep (July 6, 2012)How long will you allow our God-given American freedoms to be stripped away while you content yourself with a smallContinue reading It’s Time to Go Deep (July 6, 2012) The Sophistry of satan’s Minions (July 5, 2012)The Sophistry of satan’s Minions (July 5, 2012)Have you been chilled by the sophistry of satan (it also would apply to the church at Ephesus)… The Journey of FaithThe Journey of FaithLet’s walk today with Father Abraham on the journey of faith… « Previous 1 … 91 92 93 94 95 … 109 Next »