Message Archives

You Do Not Know Who You Are Dealing With

We have the devil on one side and the Lord God Almighty on the other. Make your decision to stand

When Our Hearts Condemn Us

Has your heart been turned aside due to condemnation from the devil? If you can answer yes, this message will

Moving Into The Stillness Of God

Today’s message is a powerful message focusing primarily upon 1 John Chapter 3 and 1 John Chapter 2. Let Jesus

The Entrance Into the Kingdom of God

Have you entered through the narrow gate? Is the living water flowing from within you?

Deliverance From Egypt – 2012

This message is about the process that will take all of us, sometimes multiple times if necessary. Do you desire

Are You A Backslider?

Are you willing to ask the question as to whether or not you have backslid? It’s a vital question to

Will You Deal Honestly With Your Heart?

Are you willing to deal honestly with Jesus and put off the old man? Listen to today’s message laying this

The Cure For My Stubborn Heart

Jesus is the true vine but all other vines must be cut off. Are you willing to cut it off??

The End Is Here

Join us for our weekly prayer time held earlier this afternoon.

The Real Test

There’s a final test we must all undergo, if we are to enter the kingdom of God. Listen to Pastor


Have you made a once-for-all decision to leave all sin NOW? God is angry with every sinner and He has


Have you become an overcomer and have you said no to all? God bless you dear one!

The Great Separation

Do you see the great separation coming upon those who call themselves Christians? Will you be wheat or tares?

Melting Hearts – 2015

In this encore sermon from 2015, Pastor Ray focuses upon the life of Peter and you and I. Do you

The Gift of Life and Peace – 2009

Do you know this gift of life and peace, which is given not earned? Are you willing to seek after

America Is Going Into The Lion’s Den

Pastor Ray talks about Daniel being cast into the lion’s den, which is the place where America is headed. Our

Weighed On The Scales

Today’s message is about Belshazzar, a son of Nebuchadnezzar from Daniel Chapter 5. The judgment of God was pronounced, do

Jesus Holds Your Life In His Hand

Pastor Ray calls us out of the modern institutional church and to the organic church of Jesus Christ. Listen intently


Join us for our weekly live prayer meeting we held earlier this afternoon.

Are You Insane?

Look at what God will do to deliver a man from his own insanity as Pastor Ray takes a look

Are You Willing To Die For Jesus?

Today’s title is a question that our behavior and actions answer much more than our lips. What do they say