Message Archives

Plain Talk About Revival

Is your heart hungry for revival and are you willing to listen to some plain truth about it? If so,

Have You Been Scammed?

Do you realize you likely have been scammed by the lies of the modern church? Listen along and find out

The Path Into The Holy Of Holies

Pastor Ray walks us through the Tent of Meeting today and explains what needs to happen to enter the Holy

Asbury Hungry For Jesus

In today’s message, Pastor Ray lays out a broad framework for revival. Are you hungry for Jesus???

We Have Come To Pray

Join us for our weekly prayer meeting held earlier this afternoon.

Revival Truth

On today’s broadcast, Pastor Ray walks us the basics of revival truth and demystifies a term called “entire sanctification.”

Loud Cries And Tears Mark True Revival

Find out why loud cries and tears mark true revival. Do you really want revival and will have it regardless

The Gospel Of NO Value

Find out why the Gospel in the modern church is of no value as you listen along to Pastor Ray

The Asbury Happening

Today’s message is very sobering and we encourage you to listen and search the scriptures as a good Berean should

Pilgrim’s Progress Storytime Episode 7

Join us for another reading as we walk through the book Pilgrim’s Progress, edited by C.J. Lovik.

Prayer Is Opening Your Heart to Jesus

Join us for a combination of a short reading from Charles Finney and several dear ones called to pray. May

Love Is Not The Answer

The warm fuzzy love is NOT the answer to the church’s lukewarmness. Find out what will bring true revival to

Go Get An Anguished Heart Now

Do you have need of an anguished heart and do you know how to get one? Listen to this critical

Do You Have An Escape Plan?

Do you have an escape plan from the wickedness of this world? Hear the call of the Holy Spirit to

Why You Do Not Understand?

Found out today what veils our understanding along with much more during the broadcast today.

Pilgrim’s Progress Storytime Episode 6

We continue on in Chapter 3 of Pilgrim’s Progress today, come join us!

Be Encouraged In Jesus, Pray

Join us for a another virtual prayer meeting held earlier this afternoon.

Fill Your Heart With Jesus

There is real victory in Jesus, if we’re willing to deal to the bottom of our sin.

The Church In The Way Of Cain

Found out what the way of Cain is all about as our study in the book of Jude continues today.

Captured By The Devil

Are you willing to have the lies of Satan purged from your heart? If your answer is yes, then this

Rushing Toward God And Judgment

Find out how to rush to God to avoid the coming judgment? Pastor Ray walks us through the scriptures today.