Message Archives

The Work of Christ

It’s time for the work of Christ to be done in the church of Jesus Christ, to rescue us from

The Gateway of God

Have you entered into the gateway of God laid out in Hebrews 4?

That We Might Receive Mercy

Have you denied that the blood of Jesus has the power to transform you? We must decide whether we will

The Most Difficult Decision

Will you fully entrust your life and all of its circumstances into the hand of God or do you still

Walk in the Light of Jesus!

We must choose to walk in the glorious light of Jesus or walk in the darkness of the devil. It’s

The Way of Ishmael (August 1, 2004)

Jesus wants us to trust in His promises, not in our ability to create for ourselves. Are you trusting in

A Made Up Mind (May 29, 2016)

Do you have a made up mind, standing upon the promises of God?

Come near the Throne of Grace

Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest, so that no one will perish by following their example

A Warning against Unbelief

Listen to the story and make the decision to covenant with God to trust Him for all things and enter

Weeping before Jesus

Have you trusted in false teachings that allow you to walk in sin or bitterness of heart?

How to Be Happy? (2008)

Are you happy in Jesus?

Do You Have a Fixed Determination to Get Right with Jesus? (Encore)

The only through to victory is to have a fixed determination that Jesus will reign in our lives.

Humble Your Heart and Endure Suffering

Are you willing to humble your heart before Jesus until he comes to answer the cry of your heart?

Does Jesus Answer Prayers?

Does Jesus actually step into time and space to change you and you circumstances? Do you believe that he can?

Pray to Jesus, and Don’t Give Up!

Let Brother Bevington’s testimony be an encouragement to your soul.

A Made Up Mind?

Once we make that once-for-all covenant with Jesus to belong to Him, He will bring us through come what may!


Here’s part of the welcome from Sister Kathryn today we salvaged, where she’s talking about Isaiah 43 and the year of

Is It Over for You (and Me)?

Do you have the guts to leave your sin and fight for the soul of America?

Rees Howells’ Intercession against Fatalism (2015)

Have you made a decision to simply take God at His word and no longer believe the fatalistic lies of

The Atmosphere of Your Soul

What is the atmosphere of your soul, is it the fruit of the spirit or the fruit of the flesh?

Amazing Grace! (October 14, 2015)

Listen to this inspiring story of repentance, forgiveness, redemption and the Lord’s Amazing Grace and make the decision to fully