Message Archives

The Life of James Turner

There are many remarkable things about James Turner’s walk with Jesus but the chief one is his brutal honesty before

True Grace

Listen to the message and resolve in your heart to go all the way through to victory with Jesus Christ,

The Secret of Being Nothing

Do you know the secret of being nothing but a servant of Jesus?

Wholly Given Up to God!

I’m not saved from ignorance or shortcomings, neither from mistakes and infirmities of various kinds. Yet I believe it to

The Entrance Fee at the Gates of Righteousness

The greatest task God has given us is to utterly disown ourselves and avoid the temptation to create our own

A House Divided? (May 16, 2004)

Using Matthew 12 and the parable of the sower, Pastor Ray discusses about when there is a divided house (a

Consider Yourself Dead to Sin

Do you want to live a new life in Jesus free of sin?

With Jesus It Is ALL Personal

Our only place of rest is in Jesus himself, not your church, not your pastor, your own strength. Either you

A Clean Heart!

Pastor Ray describes the journey of John G. Govan on the path to a clean heart. God gave this dear

Caring Enough?

Are you willing to make a choice to only care about what Jesus cares about?

Sacrifice Your Life for Life

In what sense are Christians perfect and not made perfect? In addition, Pastor Ray provides another story from the “They

The Heart Cry For Holiness

Jesus focus is to build the kingdom of God. He’s taking us to a place where we give up the

An End to the Self-Centered Life playlist – (2005)

The biggest struggle in this culture to being a true follower of Christ, is the inner struggle with pride and selfishness.

Enter Not into Temptation! (April 8, 2004)

We need not enter into temptation if we’re willing to enter the garden of Gethsemane.

Giant Killing! (2003)

This sermon unveils the lies of the modern worldly American church. We must lay down the lies of being somebody

No Longer Morally Neutral

Today’s encore broadcast focuses on being no longer morally neutral, to end the niceness, the self-centeredness and to be fully

No Longer Self-Centered

Will you allow Jesus to remove all selfishness from your heart as you listen?

March 2016 Offertory and Introduction to Robert Aitken

An offertory call followed by a wonderful testimony of a saint of old, Robert Aitken.

Stop Fighting God’s Work! (June 23, 2005)

A powerful message from our beloved Pastor Jan who went home to be with Jesus in May 2010.

Follow Me Then!

The critically important message of Peter’s restoration.

Isn’t Jesus Amazing?

Will you allow Jesus to bring you to the end of yourself where I pray you will conclude that “Isn’t