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With Jesus It Is ALL Personal

Our only place of rest is in Jesus himself, not your church, not your pastor, your own strength. Either you will submit yourself to Jesus fully and be made a saint or not and be a sinner.
04-07-2016 With Jesus It is ALL Personal - Pilgrim's Progress Radio Broadcast

Although we must make that voluntary choice to either be a saint by the blood of Jesus as we are crucified with Christ or a sinner, only Jesus can remove the sin from our heart or the heart of another. We must ever continually be “poor in Spirit” (see Matthew 5:3) with our utter inability to change people or circumstances. For many of us (myself included), it’s been easier at times just to give up but how one be so casual before God, because it’s cost Jesus everything to redeem us. He came to destroy the works of the devil in your life. Our only place of rest is in Jesus himself, not your church, not your pastor, your own strength. Either you will submit yourself to Jesus fully and be made a saint or not and be a sinner.