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Wholly Given Up to God!

I'm not saved from ignorance or shortcomings, neither from mistakes and infirmities of various kinds. Yet I believe it to be a Christian's privilege to love God with an undivided heart and his neighbor as himself." Amen!
04-07-2016 With Jesus It is ALL Personal - Pilgrim's Progress Radio Broadcast

On today’s broadcast, Pastor Ray discusses the life of a dear brother named Freeborn Garrettson, a contemporary of John Wesley and George Whitfield. In the broadcast, he details the marvelous transition this brother made in dying to self and fully giving himself fully into the hand of Jesus, it’s a very sweet story as you might expect.

I’ll leave you with this quote from Brother Freeborn himself to whet your appetite. “I want to live and die at the footsteps of the blessed Jesus. O what a bright grace is humility. I want more of it. I’m not saved from ignorance or shortcomings, neither from mistakes and infirmities of various kinds. Yet I believe it to be a Christian’s privilege to love God with an undivided heart and his neighbor as himself.” Amen!