Message Archives

Where You Live Makes All The Difference

Pastor Ray walks us through a couple of primary weighty scriptures to lay out the difference between walking in the

One Gospel (2015)

Much of the modern church has gone to another gospel, which is NOT good news. Listen to Pastor Ray lay

Jesus Finish This Wicked Age

None of us are righteous but we must be made righteous, if we are to enter the kingdom of heaven.

In A World Gone Crazy, Jesus Is Still In Charge

A call to pray and cry out for Israel, with a realization that Jesus is still in charge! Things are

Help Me Understand Prayer

Pastor Ray using a number of personal experiences and the scriptures lays out for us a deeper understanding of prayer.

Don’t lose your focus

Where is the focus of your life (i.e. your time, energy, everything) is it on Jesus or on something else?

The One True Gospel (2015)

An introduction to our study of the book of Galatians on today’s Pilgrim’s Progress. God bless you as you listen!

Do Not Lie To The Holy Spirit

What does it mean to lie to the Holy Spirit versus being bent to the Holy Spirit and Jesus? Find

When You Die Who Gets Your Stuff

What does it look like when I’m crucified with Christ? Find out as Pastor Ray continues plowing through Romans Chapter

Dead To Sin, Alive To Jesus

The title “Dead to Sin, Alive to Jesus” is in most bibles as a subtitle in Romans Chapter 6. Is

The Coldness Of My Heart Betrays Me

As the introduction to a new series on the book of Romans, Pastor Ray identifies causes of a cold heart

Journey Out of the Wilderness (2015)

Using the story of Elijah, Pastor Ray lays out the keys to “coming of the wilderness.” Do you need to

The Lord Is My Refuge

Today we had a special prayer meeting for deliverance from demon oppression…

Go Now And Leave Your Life Of Sin

The only way to leave the lie of the Sinning is to leave your life of sin. Have you done

But There Is A Stone In The Way

Pastor Ray continues on detailing the necessity of praying in accord with God’s will. This is Part 2 in a

Son Of ADAM, Come Out

Pastor Ray takes us back to the story of Lazarus in John Chapter 11 today. Join us for this special

What Turns the Heart of Jesus (2015)

On today’s encore broadcast, find out what turns the heart of Jesus? Do you have a real need for Jesus?

I Am Terrified, God Is Coming

Today’s message on Joseph was interrupted with a prophetic word from Jeremiah Chapter 18. Are you ready for the coming

Joseph, The Family Man

This is a troubling message focusing today on the sin of Joseph’s brother. Do you know that Jesus wants to

Joseph, The Maturing Man

On today’s Pilgrim’s Progress, we continue with the story of Joseph. Are you ready to grow up in the spirit

Joseph, The Journey

This is such an amazing story because it reveals the heart of this young man, Joseph and His God who