Message Archives

Have You Been Born from Above?

In this classic broadcast, Pastor Ray asks the most important question each of us need to answer “Have I Been Born

Our God Is a God Who Saves!

We must fix our eyes upon Jesus, which means to fix both our mind and our emotions upon Jesus and

A Life of Love – 2010

When a great crushing comes upon our lives, what is our response to that great pain, whether it be the

Have You Been Saved from Your Sin?

Today Pastor Ray asks the question as to whether you are saved or not? Have you been crucified with Christ?

The Suffering of Leaving Our Sin

The walk with Jesus is NOT about self-improvement or trying harder, it’s simply is being crucified with Jesus and fully

The Fullness of Christ

The reality of the modern church is that Ichabod has been written over much of the church and yet most

God’s Final Word! (Hebrews and 1 John)

Much of the modern western church simply believe in Gnosticism and believe that they can be saved in the midst


Our best will never do, the question is not whether you’ve been banished from the presence of God, the question

Moral Insanity (October 4, 2015)

Through the blood of Jesus, we must overcome the human heart’s tendency toward fatalism, which results in a moral morass,

The Destructiveness of Fatalism

Christians must choose to utterly reject fatalism and follow the same path as King David and reject the path of

A Fragrant Life

What kind of fragrance emanates from your life?

My God Will Hear Me

Pastor Ray integrates the story of a dear brother, Charles Simeon (from the “They Knew Their God” series), with Micah

Set Your Heart on Jesus

Pastor Ray asks the question have you made an acceptable offering before the Lord, where you have divorced your sin

I Will Not Be Mine

Pastor Ray talks about the four key doctrines of Gerhard Tersteegen and many churches in the late 17th century. Make

By the Grace of God, I’m Not Going Back

Pastor Ray lays out four simple doctrines from a dear group of Christians from the 17th century that are key

Walking in the Light

“We must depart from ourselves in order to enter into Him. This exit and entrance is the basis and most

The Wonder of Jesus Christ

Are you consciously aware of the wonder of Jesus Christ?

Miguel Molinos, The Priest of Holiness

Have you entered into the rest of God?

Found in Christ Jesus

Cry out for understanding and allow the Holy Spirit to draw this line of demarcation between walking in the Spirit

Planted in Jesus (May 22, 2005)

May you decide to be deeply planted in Jesus, it’s a precious sermon. Don’t you want your roots to be

The Practical Walk with Jesus (Part 2)

What does this practical walk with Jesus look like?