A New Name for Abram (2013)

This was mentioned briefly during yesterday's broadcast but Pastor Ray delves deeper into the life and pilgrimage of Abram. Where are you on this pilgrimage and are you ready to face God as you are right now?

Scriptures Used During Today’s Broadcast: 1 Peter 1, Genesis 17

” Are you willing for God to make whatever changes are necessary in your life that when this journey is finished, you could enter into the celestial city?”

Pastor Ray during the opening of today’s broadcast

Pastor Ray notes the new name that God gives Abram that comes in concert with his circumcision, which is a mark that only the power of God can accomplish this work in Abram’s heart, not by the flesh (our own strength). Have you experienced the crucifixion of your flesh as you follow Jesus.

(w)e do not have the right to come to God and ask him to bless the work of our flesh.” Pastor Ray during the message today

We must lay down all of the works of the flesh and yield to what God wants in our life, regardless of the cost. Are you willing to do that or are you are asking God to bless your Ishmael(s)?

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