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A Famine Is Coming To America

Today's powerful message centers around the coming famine to America, do you see it coming??
01-18-2022   A Famine Is Coming To America

Pastor Ray takes another look today at the parable of the lost son in Luke Chapter 15. Are you the lost son, even though you’ve been in church and sought after Jesus to some degree, perhaps for years? May Jesus bring the conviction needed to confess and repent of our desire to build a place in this world, apart from the Father, so we could be in charge. Remember that the Laodicean church was unaware of their spiritual condition and equated their spiritual condition with their financial status.

God always uses famines to bring us to the end of ourselves and that is what He is about to do. Are you willing to confess your wantonness and desire to have your life your way? It’s time to come home dear one…