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Do NOT Drift (2008 Sermon)

Today's message is a very sobering one, will we go back in the driver's seat of our life or will go all the way with Jesus. It's a choice that each of us must make.

Scriptures Used During Today’s Broadcast: 1 Samuel 10, 1 Samuel 11, 1 Samuel 13, 1 Samuel 14, 1 Samuel 15

On today’s Pilgrim’s Progress, Pastor Ray walks us through the greatest temptation of every believer: to go back to our old ways, the way we were before we were born from above. He uses the story of the first king of the children of Israel to illustrate how this works.

Jesus calls us to take up our cross to follow Jesus, quite literally to lose our life but many decisions have to be made on this narrow road. We will either go all of the way to a full death to self or we will go back to our old ways of thinking and doing. Which way are you going to go dear one?

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