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We Don’t Want This Crank

Are you willing to go all the way with Jesus, first for yourself and then for others, regardless of the persecution that will come upon your life?
7-18-2024 We Don't Want This Crank

Scriptures Used During Today’s Broadcast: Matthew 7:21-23, Romans 6, Matthew 7:24-27, Sermon on the Mount Matthew 5, Matthew 6 and Matthew 7

On today’s Pilgrim’s Progress, Pastor Ray begins his message today by reading the passage listed above from Matthew 7. as a warning to us. Then he reads a brief story from the book “Remarkable Miracles” by G.C. Bevington, which is the basis of the title. They didn’t hear this crank, Brother Bevington, because he taught a straight word and called them to be crucified with Christ, something that most of them were unwilling to do.

We’re in the same place in the modern church, listen to the call of the Holy Spirit on your life. Are you willing to give up everything to follow Jesus or do you still have idols that are more important to you than Jesus.