Personal Love For Jesus V2

Personal Love for Jesus

Have you allowed the love of Jesus to permeate your heart? He wants to be everything to you, will you let Him?
6-10-2024   Personal Love For Jesus

We begin our message today with prayers for two precious ones (Brian and Giovanti), who are both facing death unless the Lord delivers them. They’re also being called by the Holy Spirit to fully surrender and to give the remainder of their lives to Jesus. Would you join us in praying for these precious ones and would you lift up Pastor Ray in prayer as he had a severe fall last night.

Scriptures Used During Today’s Message: Jesus 10, Romans 6, Matthew 5, Matthew 6, Matthew 7

Today’s message was focused on dealing with any sin and drawing closer to Jesus. Pastor Ray encouraged us to read Romans 6. Do you know what Jesus is getting ready to move in great power and is your heart desirous of drawing closer to Jesus? Will you say yes dear one?