
Absolute Surrender

Do you hear the call to make an absolute surrender to Jesus? He desires to do this now!

This is the way of God shown throughout the scriptures where God calls us to make an absolute surrender to Himself. Pastor Ray focuses primarily on the story of Abraham, who made that complete giving of his life into the hands of Jesus, even though it wasn’t a pretty or easy process. He uses some other examples as well.

The question is whether or not have made that decision to absolutely surrender your life to Jesus and then actually done it? It’s not a one time but rather a continual decision as we seek to serve and love Jesus with all of our heart!

I’m going to include a quote from Andrew Murray from his book aptly entitled “Absolutely Surrender” and another one from author Theresa Reyna, a godly author who has a wonderfully tender heart for Jesus.

Any one of you that does not forsake all that he has cannot be my disciple (Luke 14:26, 33). Isn’t this the reason for our feeble spiritual lives and the reason that the Holy Spirit does not fill us? We have never forsaken all to follow Christ.

Murray, Andrew. Absolute Surrender

Jesus wants to live His Life through us, and this can only come as we are crucified with Him. We cannot fix ourselves in our own strength; only through total surrender to His will and a deep, internal, transforming work in our hearts will we be made whole.

Theresa Reyna – Transformed into God’s Glory