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Seven Seals (2020)

One of the primary keys to understanding Revelations are the seven seals. Will you listen and ask the Holy Spirit to open this message up to your soul?
8-29-2022 (Rebroadcast) The Seven Seals Of Revelation - Original Broadcast date 4-22-2020

Today’s broadcast is a replay of a 2020 broadcast as Pastor Ray is unable to do the broadcast today. He wanted to replay this broadcast as it’s a prelude to a deeper dive on this topic during the week. Be blessed as you listen!

To facilitate the listening, we’ve added some timestamps in the video and also the audio.

0:07 - Introductory Music from Robin Mark
5:21 - Intro background on the first few chapters of Revelation
8:20 - Now some background regarding the seals
20:01 - Pastor Ray begins talking about the first two seals
31:23 - The third seal
33:09 - The fourth seal
36:32 - The fifth seal
39:54 - Thoughts and exhortation
47:45 - The sixth seal
52:29 - Prayer and Closing