Pastor Ray walks us through the waiting for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the Upper Room. Will you pray for the dynamite power of God to come in your life?
The focal point of today's broadcast is our great need of prayer, do you need the fire of God in your life for others? What will you do dear one to God's call on your life?
Are you willing to join Pastor Ray and the National Prayer Chapel and enter into deep communion with Jesus? That will take great courage and strength but Jesus will fight for you, if you're willing to say yes.
Have you been made righteous by Jesus, in reality not wishful thinking? Find out how that process operates by taking a close look at the life of Abraham.
Most of us in this modern age we know nothing of what "real prayer" is. Does Jesus answer your prayers? Find out more on today's broadcast of Pilgrim's Progress.
This is a call to humble our hearts and allow the Holy Spirit to show us any grumbling, complaining, pride or arrogance in our walk with Jesus or those in our life.